Saturday, January 10, 2009

Late night update

Its 12:25 and we just got back from visiting Thomas, no change, all is well. So I'm sitting here thinking that one day Thomas might read this and I'd like to give him a chuckle. I hope you will indulge me.

What weighs more? A pound of feathers, a pound of rocks or Thomas?

Please pull out your secret decoder ring to find out the answer.


  1. Doesn't it depend on whether the diaper is full or empty?

  2. What kind of rocks? Are we talking aquarium pebbles or boulders? And yes, need to know the diaper answer above too.


  3. Thomas weighs more! Thomas has grown and is over one pound now!!! Am I right?! (proper credit to Aunt Christie, who really figured this out, not me). Are we right?

