Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Two Steps Forward

And one step back...

I mentioned the other day that Thomas was having some trouble breathing, causing the Bradying. Well it hasn't got alot better, and really a little worse. He's got swelling in his nostrils, which is restricting his breathing. So he's Bradying and he's working really hard, which is tiring him out and using up calories. They decided today to put him on Si Pap. The Si Pap forces air into his lungs, which will help him breathe better and easier, until his nostrils heal and he gets stronger and bigger. I can't imagine he's really happy about it, but one day I'll be able to tell him it was for the best and sometimes adults just know better. I'm sure he'll just accept that explanation, no qestions asked.

On the bright side, Thomas is 4 pounds! So we're moving along. We're getting anxious. I think there is a light at the end of the tunnel, but we're not entirely sure when. Once he gets to around 4 and a half pounds, they will go in and fix the ostemy and hopefully the hernia. From there, they've got to reintroduce milk and hope he takes it, as well as getting him breathing on his own, maintaining his body temperature. Best guess is 3 to 5 weeks after the surgery, but it all depends on each baby.

So that's where we are today. Ups and downs, but we're still very blessed and lucky to be where we are.

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