Sunday, May 24, 2009

No Sleep, no problem

Thomas is hanging out with Rebecca as I type this, fighting off sleep. He's been fighting sleep for several days now it seems. He prefers to take little cat naps as opposed to a full-on sleep. So basically he was up til 5:30 this morning and has been dosing in short bursts for the most part. He just doesn't want to miss what's going on I guess. As long as he has his pacifier, all is well.

We are now totally ventilator free and taking milk through the feeding tube. So he seems very happy. He does have an issue. He's got an Hemangioma on his backside. A hemangioma is a benign growth that consists of small blood vessels. Its not dangerous and is kind of like a birth mark. An ulcer has developed on the hemangioma, not sure what that means or if its causing any discomfort, so we'll see.

Its kind of rocking in here tonight. Thomas is still in D, which is the room where he started on his NICU adventure back in January. There are several new borns in here and their parents are here as well. So its quite hectic and crowded. As always, Rebecca is observing and eavesdropping. I'm minding my own business, but occasionally I hear some things. Always interesting seeing new parents dealing with the NICU and their babies for the first time. All of the newborns seem to be very healthy and close to the same size as Thomas is now. Its nice because none of the parents seem too apprehensive. There's more joy and excitement. There's one particular family that is very enthusiastic. Not one inside voice among them though. They are very irritaining. Sadly I did not bring the digital recorder, so you'll just have to trust me that you too would be entertained.

1 comment:

  1. Just added a new word to my vocabulary....irritaining!
    I can't wait to use it!
    Love to you all!
