Friday, July 27, 2012

8PM. I'm where all the cool people hang out

We're semi-winding down our day here at Labor and Delivery in the Baylor Hospital.  Rebecca has already gone stir crazy not being able to get out of her bed, so I think the next 2 weeks look really promising for her temprement.  Complaint #1 from the peanut gallery that can get up and do what he wants, eat what he wants (Rebecca's on a liquid diet), exercise, go outside and feel the sun, etc.  In the 3 and a half years since we were last here, the Baylor IT staff has blocked Slingbox, so we're at the mercy of the channels provided by the hospital. 

Speaking of liquid diets, she's craving pizza quite badly.  They have her on magnesium to slow the contractions, which were at 6 minutes, but are now around 10-12.  The magnesium also makes her a little loopy and she has hot and cold flashes, so I'm enjoying moving the thermostat 10 degrees every half hour or so. 

Rebecca's mom drove over from Shreveport which gave me the opportunity to go home, pick up a few things and bring Thomas back up to the hospital.  You'd think they'd do a slightly better job of child-proofing a room in the labor and delivery wing, but Thomas found lots to do.  Mimi has taken Thomas home so that Rebecca could relax a little.  She's dozing right now, so hopefully she'll get some rest, until the next nurse walks in, which is about every 30 minutes. 

True or False
1.  This was the only way I could think to relaunch this blog
2.  I'm not ready for the triathlon and this seemed a better plan than admitting it.
3.  This isn't how all pregnancies work?
4.  We like being the center of attention.
5.  I wanted to spend more time indoors.
6.  Rebecca is simply a lazy person by nature.  Two weeks of bed rest?  Yes please!
7.  The hospital chair is actually really good for your back. 
8.  A slightly sedated wife that slips in and out of consciousness and sometimes babbles is the best kind of wife. 

Good news, all of the sounds of the monitoring machines sould exactly the same as they did the last time...

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