Thursday, June 11, 2009

Live Blog #1 6:15pm Thursday

A lot of catch up is in order, which I will do throughout the next 48 hours. To summarize though. I am sitting in an adjustable bed in a fairly small room on the 7th floor of the Baylor hospital. In this room with me is my lovely wife, our first child Thomas, a crib, 2 suitcases, a cooler and a fair amount of apprehension. We are going to be in this room for the next 2 days seeing how it is to be parents, feeding him every 3 hours and basically seeing what this whole family thing is about. If this goes ok, they may send Thomas home. Over the next 48 hours, I will try to live blog this experience as best I can. So get your popcorn ready, pull up a chair and get ready for riveting literature full of intrigue, plot twists and a surprise ending you'll never see coming.

Rebecca is attempting the very first feed. I will update shortly and catch you up on the events leading up to now.

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